Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Emo Day...

Father's Day is tomorrow.  I can't help but think of my dad on this day.  I can't help but wonder how things would be if I had been the better person and made more of an effort with him.  I made it through the anniversary of his death without any incidents, but for some reason I'm really feeling this Father's Day.  I think it's because I'm unhappy in other areas of life.  It's easy to lump this in and just wallow.  And Lord knows I have tons of good wallowing tracks on my itunes.  I'm walking that fine emo line these days.  I've got to bounce back before people get sick of me.  Maybe I'll send in a postsecret that lays out exactly how I'm feeling so it can be real... yeah - that won't be emo at all!

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