Friday, May 30, 2008

As seen on TV...

Today in the mail was a letter from a seemingly nice woman from Palm Desert asking me for an 'in' with Budget Travel. After a nice introductory paragraph about Hong Kong and travel, she writes...
"...there was a link to click on 'Have you ever wanted to be a travel writer', and I have been told many times by people, I should... so, the purpose of my letter is try to determine who I should contact, because the link would never work when I clicked on it. So I looked you up on line, and thanks for being there. My phone numbers are listed below..."
So now I am considering putting together some sort of self-help, inspirational, 29 step program to travel writing success. Even though all I had to do was win a contest with a short pitch. I'm pretty sure my 42 dvd set and workbook packet that will sell for 3 easy payments of 33.99 (plus shipping and a small handling fee and tax if you live in California) is going to be a huge hit!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

That's my girl...

I have another moral issue to contend with this morning. Cassidy brought home a spelling test from school that had a note attached from her teacher. I saw that she was upset and embarrassed about whatever had prompted the note home, so I decided to read it now after Robert and the kids had already left for school. It shows a half-written attempt at the word "dictionary" and a sad face with the note explaining that Cassidy had looked up at the class dictionary during the test to find out how to spell it. The sad face was her teacher's way of showing her obvious disappointment in my child's attempt at cheating on the spelling test. Now for the moral dilemma... should I also shame her and extoll to Cassidy the weightiness of her decision to cheat on this test? Or should I be proud at the fact that my child was resourceful enough to look at the very object she was asked to spell, therefore showing that she may be more logical and have a bit more common sense than some of the other 2nd graders taking the test? Which leads me to more questions... Did her teacher realize that she was asking the class to spell an object that was located in the room - therefore setting them up for cheating? Was she just waiting for them to fail so she could teach them a hard life lesson? Was this a moral experiment as well as a spelling test? Was Cassidy the only 2nd grader to look at the giant dictionary with the word 'dictionary' printed down its spine? If so - is it wrong that I AM proud? Did Cassidy know that that would constitute cheating, or did she think she was being smart or resourceful? Am I over-thinking this issue because I'm trying to stall off going to work because I really just want to start collecting disability? Should Clinton drop out of the race? Are the recent global catastrophes precursors to an impending rapture? Ok... my mind is swirling with blog topics... I should go to work now.

I'm feeling strangely disabled...

In the mail yesterday was the Social Security breakdown all us working stiffs get from time to time.  It outlines how much we've contributed and the amounts we would receive should certain SS-related life events occur.  Here's where I'm confused and my moral conflict arises... If I continue to work hard like a busy little bee until I'm 62 years old, I will receive $831 a month from SS when I retire.  However, if I was to become disabled right now, I would receive $973 a month.  So you see my dilemma... Frankly, at this point, my only decision is - mental breakdown or nondescript back problems.  Alright, maybe not.  I would have to live with myself as a liar and cheater.  And there's the whole Christian aspect of cheating the government.  And the social implications when people find out your "disabled" and collecting SS.  But still... It's tempting!

Monday, May 26, 2008

What the chase?

So I just finished updating my credit card file. It's a spreadsheet I keep with all my accounts, limits, balances, interest rates, due dates, etc. I like to keep that information updated so I can see how much interest I am paying. Three of my cards are from Chase, two of which are the cards I use the most. I found that even though I am paying on time and am under the limit on all three, they have all risen to 28.99%! They are not maxed out. They are current. And they are all three being used regularly. So what the chase? (I've decided that "chase" is my new favorite cuss word.) I called the 800 number to request that they lower the rate, and they curteously replied that they are unable to do so at this time. Why? They have no reason... except for secretly I think they know we can't get any more credit with the economy in the toilet like it is. So we are stuck! Luckily, we don't owe much on them right now or we'd be chased.

Friday, May 23, 2008

OMB (Oh My Blog)...

So I'm on protective watch right now so I won't hurt myself.  I made the mistake of checking zillow this week.  Last month I was sure that we had reached the bottom.  But no, yesterday I found that we had sunk even lower.  After that grim discovery, I began to eye my neighbors in a whole new light.  As I slowly made my way down the culd-e-sac to my driveway, I couldn't help but levy disapproving stares at the un-manicured lawns or chipping stucco.  I've become hyper critical of the pile of junk in one neighbor's yard, and the boarded up house on the street makes me pray that the Lord will rain down sweet righteous fire upon the eyesore.  I seriously feel like that commitment-phobic man who was finally talked into getting married, and now sees only prison when he looks into her once lovely eyes.  Every dog bark or honk of a horn makes me want to escape this suburban cell.  My wanderlust is raging out of control and I'm afraid if house values don't rise soon, I could see myself upping the insurance on this old house and plotting her death.

But other than that, life is looking pretty sunny!   

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I'm just an LOL...

So I just got the most random phone call.  The caller id said "private," so it was a risk to answer it.  But once I did, I was met with the most star-struck little old lady.  Here's a bit of how the conversation went (events may be slightly dramatized for effect)...

Me: Hello? *said with a cool air of calm wisdom*
LOL (Little Old Lady): Is this Amy Koller? *voice shaking with anticipation and pure excitement*
Me: Yes...? *drenched in compassionate knowing of what was about to transpire*
LOL: Oh my... I'm just a little old lady from Yucaipa.  I live up on Fremont Street in the mobile home park.  I just got my issue of Budget Travel and I saw you in there.  I'm just a little old lady from Yucaipa! *she sits to avoid fainting from the mere sound of my voice*
Me: hahahaha... yes.  Aren't you cute. *This was like the politician kissing the local babies... just keepin' it real*
LOL: Oh my... I'm just a little old lady and I've lived in Yucaipa for so long and I saw it in the magazine!  *probably just forgot to mention that she was more excited about talking to me than about seeing the name of her city in a magazine*
Me: hahahaha... yes. *I have such a way with words!*
LOL: Well, did you see it?  Did you get your copy yet? *breathless from the earth-shattering excitement of actually getting through to a famous author*
Me: yes I...
LOL: I'm just a little old lady up on Fremont Street in the mobile home park.  Well ok. bye. *click*
Me: thank.... *dial tone*

So that was random... but fun.  Feel free to start the official fan club now.  I know a little old lady in a trailer park in Yucaipa who will wear the button! (and you can probably convince my mom to join too)

Check me out...

So now I am an internet sensation as well...

A nod from a blog...

So my editor emailed me (that was super fun to type!) and told me that my article had received a tiny nod in the NY Post blog.  Here's what the blog had to say in regards to my BT piece...  

"For the June issue, however, they've gone completely nuts, giving over all 142 pages of the book -- including the beautiful cover -- to their loyal fans, who file everything from tips on Denver cafes (useful!) to cute stories about taking your kids to Hong Kong to eat dim sum (fun to read!)."

That's me!  I'm fun to read!!  What a ride this has been!

Speaking of the article... I got the check yesterday, along with a very nice letter from Erik, the editor.  The check went directly into the bank, but I think I will frame the letter along with a copy of the article.  I'm not quite sure how I'll do that yet, but I think this is one of the those occasions where framing is appropriate.  That way years from now, when I am deliciously busy as a full time travel writer, I can look back on this experience and remember it as a graduation of sorts.  Or... years from now, when I am drearily going about with life as usual, I can look back on this experience and remember it as one of the best times of my life.  Either way, this has been quite a ride!

Monday, May 19, 2008


Wow.  Let me just say that...  Wow.  If you haven't already seen Wicked - you need to see it!  

I have to admit that I am in no way a trend setter.  When others around me saw the play (The Grays in London and LA, and then later Tiffany), I scoffed.  Yes, I was a scoffer.  I'm kind of a jerk sometimes.  I may even be classified as one of the "mob with pitchforks" when it comes to some musicals.  But I am big enough (no jokes please) to admit when I am wrong.  I was wrong.  Wicked is everything my friends said it was and more.  I'm in love with it - as predicted.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturday morning surprise...

I was just thinking to myself the other day that there are not nearly enough hamsters in this world. And certainly not enough in our house, since Robert took Ivan the breeder and Helga the spinster back to the pet shop. After their departure, we were only left with Olga the fertile and her brood of "the 7 dwarves" (her batch of baby Robo dwarf hamsters born on April 26th). But then this morning, as I was preparing the 7 dwarves for the big day of separation from Olga, I found that Olga had been baking a little belly secret for the past few weeks. Since non of her youngin' are old enough to mate, Ivan must have shared a long goodbye with Olga before he was shipped out to the pet store, just a day after the birth of his septuplets. Awww hamster love. So now Olga the fertile, is Olga the single mother of 12. Is anyone in the adopting mood?

Friday, May 16, 2008

Raise your hand if you're published...

The Budget Travel article is out!  It's in the June 2008 issue.  I was sad when I read it because they cut over 4,500 words.  But it's published... so that's good.  The pictures are getting online, slowly but surely.  The first round is on flickr and more will follow.  I won't put all of them up since I took over 3000 and saved 1800 or so.  But you'll get the gist of the trip. 

This blogs for you...

Hello friends and family... I am bloggin'.  Could be worse, I could be floggin' or cloggin'.  Anyway, this is to keep those of you informed who actually care.  So I'll be posting photos and life updates here so you can stalk us from the comfort of your own home... or workplace.  It's really up to you.