Monday, May 26, 2008

What the chase?

So I just finished updating my credit card file. It's a spreadsheet I keep with all my accounts, limits, balances, interest rates, due dates, etc. I like to keep that information updated so I can see how much interest I am paying. Three of my cards are from Chase, two of which are the cards I use the most. I found that even though I am paying on time and am under the limit on all three, they have all risen to 28.99%! They are not maxed out. They are current. And they are all three being used regularly. So what the chase? (I've decided that "chase" is my new favorite cuss word.) I called the 800 number to request that they lower the rate, and they curteously replied that they are unable to do so at this time. Why? They have no reason... except for secretly I think they know we can't get any more credit with the economy in the toilet like it is. So we are stuck! Luckily, we don't owe much on them right now or we'd be chased.

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