Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturday morning surprise...

I was just thinking to myself the other day that there are not nearly enough hamsters in this world. And certainly not enough in our house, since Robert took Ivan the breeder and Helga the spinster back to the pet shop. After their departure, we were only left with Olga the fertile and her brood of "the 7 dwarves" (her batch of baby Robo dwarf hamsters born on April 26th). But then this morning, as I was preparing the 7 dwarves for the big day of separation from Olga, I found that Olga had been baking a little belly secret for the past few weeks. Since non of her youngin' are old enough to mate, Ivan must have shared a long goodbye with Olga before he was shipped out to the pet store, just a day after the birth of his septuplets. Awww hamster love. So now Olga the fertile, is Olga the single mother of 12. Is anyone in the adopting mood?

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