Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Heaven is a wonderful place - and it's mine all mine...

Christian and I were just reading the Bible together and sharing some deep thoughts when the topic of Heaven came up.  He asked me a few standard questions about sleeping and eating and the like, which led to more questions like the ever-popular, "Will there be video games in Heaven?"  Eventually our deep and meaningful conversation morphed into his distorted and hilarious impression of me in Heaven.  Apparently I will be hoarding green ipods and cameras, all while driving my free green limo and eating all the chocolate and mac n cheese I can get my grubby little hands on.  Awesome.  It sounds like the Disney version of "Grand Theft Auto"... rated L for Lame!  I'm so glad that the Lord is using me to reach this young inquisitive mind.  Oh and if you're curious - Cassidy will have all the baby dolls and My Little Ponies in Heaven - in case you're looking for one.

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