Monday, June 30, 2008

A Week Later...

One week after the punch in the gut - I'm still unemployed.  I didn't think that it would happen in a week - I didn't think I would find anything that quickly.  But I thought I might get a few phone calls or something.  I've put in about 10 applications to all the good places.  Now this week I will be lowering my standards and increasing my driving radius.  Fun fun.  But it could be worse.  I could be the one that people are using as a scape goat for all of their problems... well that's probably coming.  But really what do I care?  I didn't try to leave on good terms - I mean I tried but wasn't allowed to really.  The bridge is burnt, so to speak, so why worry about their opinion of me now?  My friends know me and know what happened and the rest is pointless.

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