Saturday, June 7, 2008

Don't drink the koolaid...

So a certain friend of mine loves to use this catchy little phrase a lot... "don't drink the koolaid."  I love it - so I've adopted it as my own.  I had the chance the use it today on my brother.  Apparently my mother found an ad in the paper asking for extras to come out to Victorville to audition for a part in a military movie.  She thought my brother would be perfect, so they went.  The casting director agreed with my mother and now Jimmy will be filming in a few weeks out in Victorville.  He is playing the part of a nazi soldier during WWII in the forth coming movie Valkyrie.  That was reason 1 for the koolaid comment.  The second reason is that the movie stars Tom Cruise as the lead.  I don't imagine Jimmy will have much chance to interact with the star however since Jimmy is way over 6 feet so I doubt they will stage them close together.

1 comment:

Anita Ann said...

Tom Cruise is a not job! Oh he needs prayers.